What we do:
- Brand MV: We produce a brand music video with a powerful message: "dare to do, dare to spend," representing the financial style of Gen Digi, and mDigi is the credit card that perfectly fits their lifestyle. Link
- Duet contest: We host a contest for fans to actively engage with the campaign by participating in duets of the "We are Gen Digi" song on TikTok.
- Facebook content: We create captivating content to promote the product and recruit participants for the music event.
Our achievement:
Nearly 3,7M views for brand MV on all platforms.
Gain over 6,8M reaches total campaign on all platforms.
Recruit nearly 3,5K ticket for music event.
21 influencers, hot pages sharing about product, MV and event.
12 PR articles gain total over 160K views
Shiseido Vietnam
Trade Show Display & Experience; Design & Production